Monday 4 November 2013

Chanel Les Vernes

Bubbles can never resist a good deal. Especially if it involves Chanel nail polishes. She has recently developed a taste for sparkly, pink nail polishes.

Robinsons had a $10 off every $100 spent for members. Huzzah!

Bubbles' brand-new babies, born 27 October 2013

Rose Confidential (extreme left) has got to be Bubbles' favorite. It's a deep, dusky pink. Bubbles hasn't worn the rest yet, only having swatched them at the shop. Bubbles finds Ming (2nd from right) very promising too (peach polish with sparkles). Rose Exuberant (2nd from left) is too loud for work, but that's what toenails are for. Elixir (3rd from left) is a reddish coral which Cuddles covets, and May (3rd from right) is a hawt bubblegum pink (also for Cuddles). Frisson (extreme right) is pale (beige?) and sparkly. Bubbles loves sparkles. 

Meeting the family. 

And so Bubbles' new babies met Rose Insolent, Peche Nacree, Top Coat and Base Coat. Bubbles is clearly a parent who plays favorites because ROSE CONFIDENTIAL is awesomer than the rest and Bubbles wants the world to know it. Beautiful, beautiful shade.  

With the base and top coat, Bubbles' Rose Confidential polish lasted for 2 days without any chipping, and 3 days without any major chipping (Bubbles defines major chipping as > 1/4 of the nail losing its polish). The only nails which chipped were on the 2nd and 3rd digits of Bubbles' left and right paws (Bubbles blames it om the piles of files she flips through). 6 days after the application, Bubbles' other fingers were stil going strong (not a single chip!!) but alas she had to remove the polish because she had tested nail art pens on her nails without giving any thought to the design first...

However, at $38 per bottle of polish (more for the base and top coats), the Chanel family may only expand slowly, despite Bubbles' secret wish that they would breed like rabbits.

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